Publishing from RTC 4.0.2 to RAM
Accepted answer
For the client you want to download the "IBM Rational Asset Manager Client" from the downloads page:
This new version of RAM supports RTC 4.x. Publishing from the RTC Eclipse Client into RAM continues to be supported. This online help topic is a good starting point for understanding that integration:
Thanks Jeff, it looks like you have to download the entire RAM client. I was looking for something similar to the RTC p2 install, something that could be installed directly into an existing eclipse installation..
Hi Sean,
An other method to consider.
If you have a RAM server installed, you can get the RAM eclipse client plugins by just pointing the eclipse nstaller to your RAM update site.
You should be able to see what is the URL by going to the extensions page (Top right corner of the web client page where you see the question mark and choose Extensions:
In the Eclipse Client Plug-in section , you will something like:
Use the Eclipse client plug-in to extend your Eclipse-based development environment. With the plug-in installed you can browse the repository, import assets, and submit new assets. The client plug-in is based on Eclipse 3.4.
To install the client plug-in, follow the Eclipse update process (Help > Software Updates > Find and Install) and enter the following update site URL:
Update site: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/ram/RCPUpdateSite/
Opps. It looks like we forgot to update the instructions there. As of the RAM Eclipse client plugins are based on Eclipse 3.6.2 and Java 6. Eclipse client plugins are still Eclipse 3.4 and Java 5.