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How to go back to spot in module where a link was accessed in RDNG?

Vani B (1391275) | asked Sep 16 '19, 10:33 p.m.

when a a link is accessed within a module, and then the browser back arrow is used, it goes back to the top of the module instead of to the spot where the link was accessed.

So want to know if when a link is accessed from within a module, is there is a way to go back to the spot in the module where the link was accessed.

One answer

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Sep 17 '19, 2:18 p.m.
Hi Vani,

You need to be using module context links rather than base artifact links in order to be able to navigate back along a link that you have just traversed in order to be able to get back to the artifact from which you originally navigated away.

If you are using module context links then you can just follow the same link back in its reverse direction (rather than use the 'back' button on the browser) and you will arrive back at the original artifact in its module context location.

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