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Is this combination of Eclipse version 2019-06 and RTC 6061 supported?

Lori Ruffing (1758) | asked Aug 14 '19, 2:57 p.m.

Is this combination of Eclipse version 2019-06 and RTC 6061 supported? I see several issues, one of which is the compare editor not working as indicated below. I see a similar error reported here at

An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Compare Editor for code-coverage-summary.component.html".
loading constraint violation when resolving method "com/ibm/team/repository/transport/client/RequestResponsePair.<init>(Lorg/apache/http/client/methods/HttpRequestBase;)V" : loader "org/eclipse/osgi/internal/loader/EquinoxClassLoader@31f74d93" of class "com/ibm/team/scm/client/content/BasicVersionedContentManager" and loader "org/eclipse/osgi/internal/loader/EquinoxClassLoader@9888b85d" of class "com/ibm/team/repository/transport/client/RequestResponsePair" have different types for the method signature

Also see a similar error when accepting changes sets:
An internal error occurred during: "Download job".

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 15 '19, 1:31 a.m.

 Go to the download page of Engineering Lifecycle Manager/RTC, select the version you want to know about, click on the Getting Started tab, scroll down and click on the system requirements. Click All Platforms. Open Prerequisites. Check the supported versions.

Geoff Alexander commented Aug 17 '20, 2:11 p.m. | edited Aug 17 '20, 2:31 p.m.

I'm also having this problem.  Where can I check the prerequisites?  I went to RTC download page at  I tried various tabs, but found no information or links related to Prerequisites.

The real question here is how do we get the RTC client to work with a more recent Eclipse version?  The RTC client is bundled with Eclipse 4.4 and 4.6.   The problem is that Eclipse 4.4 and 4.6 are both quite old, Eclipse 4.4 was released on 25 June 2014 and Eclipse 4.6 on 22 June 2016.  I used the Client for Eclipse 4.x IDE (Extension Install) to install the RTC client on Eclipse Version 2019-06 (4.12.0).  Since the Eclipse version is 4.12, I would expect Client for Eclipse 4.x IDE (Extension Install) to work, but I'm encountering the internal error from the compare editor mentioned the original question.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 18 '20, 1:59 a.m. | edited Aug 18 '20, 3:34 a.m.
Since over 10 years this information is in the System requirements: .

E.g. Select System Requirements By Component, select RTC, Select Prerequisites, select Eclipse Runtime Environment.

In my answer above I explain how to find the release notes. They reside in the Getting started tab since RTC 1.0 .

Eclipse 4.12 is not supported. It usually worked in the past to pick a newer Eclipse, but sometimes there have been issues.

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