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[closed] Why do some work item attributes not display for particular user ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Jan 16 '14, 2:49 p.m.
closed Jan 17 '14, 4:45 p.m.
Ok, I've looked here for any similar posts and so far haven't found...

User reports that a custom attribute does not display when viewing work item(s).  There is nothing that I can find particularly special about the attribute or its presentation.  It's a simple enumeration and it is configured in the editor presentation. 

I've suggested clearing browser cache which is reported not to be of help: 

Cache is deleted, but the field is not visible in Chrome or MozillaFirefox (ESR v24.2.0).If I'm logged on to my colleague laptop, I can see the field.
That statement tells me that the failing is more likely on the day-to-day workstation and not with the properties of the user (team, role, license, etc).   My environment is much like his (RHEL 6.4, similar Firefox) and I have no problem seeing the attribute displayed.   I also have a Windows 7 VM that I launched and tested with FF 22 and IE 8.  That users test of similar VM/IE

On KVM I have IE8, but the issue is the same.

I haven't asked if Eclipse client displays correctly. 


Piotr Aniola commented Jan 17 '14, 4:35 a.m.

Was the custom attribute added recently?
Do I understand correctly that other users can see this attribute in the very same workitem for which the attribute is missing for the affected user?

Also, do you by any chance use a proxy server?

Kevin Ramer commented Jan 17 '14, 9:38 a.m.


From perusing the project config history, the attribute seems to have been there for months, at least.   Yes, other users (e.g. me) can see all attributes on same work item that user could not.

However, I am happy to report that this is reported to be working now.  The "fix" is just as mysterious as the cause :-)

Arun K Sriramaiah commented Jan 17 '14, 9:56 a.m.

Hi Kevin,

Which version of RTC server \client ?

Could you please compare the process roles and permission ( Your User and non working user)

Was it recently changed anything on the process configuration , Did you synchronized the attributes on the workitem type.

Is the issue is specific to one workitem type ? or its same across all the project area workitems.


Kevin Ramer commented Jan 17 '14, 4:44 p.m.

RTC 4.0.3 -- Web UI so it's the same version ;-)

Since this has been reported as working (cause/solution, unknown) I'm going to close this question.

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Works, but no concrete cause found." by yzwkzfn Jan 17 '14, 4:45 p.m.