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RQM TCER Snapshot - test runs are deleted?

Heather Linsk (1422352) | asked Aug 14 '19, 10:12 a.m.
edited Aug 14 '19, 12:25 p.m.
We are using RQM v. iFix002. A program using RQM has the following: Test plans, with associated test cases & test scripts. For version control, they are utilizing snapshots, are NOT looking to migrate to GCM. Now they want to start testing, so a test manager is creating test execution records. Like below for example:

Once those are created for the appropriate test cases under a test plan, they take a snapshot. Which results in the following (as expected):


If a user opens the TCER, they are unable to run the test, as the run button is greyed out and cannot be clicked:


Back at the Test Case Execution Records Section of the snapshotted test plan (image #2), the user can select the green arrow that appears in the Last Result column on hover over.


Unfortunately, when this option is selected, this page opens:


When I check the trash, there is no corresponding test run. However, there IS the snapshotted TCER:


Once restored, the user can actually run the TCER. <o:p> </o:p>

Is this an intended action? Is there anyway to prevent this automated deletion and keep the TCER during a snapshot?

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Aug 16 '19, 9:29 a.m.

 Sanpshot is a read only version - like baseline. You can not change anything in snapshot. It is for references. So, we do not allowed users to execute snapshot version of tcer. To prevent it, snapshot version of tcers archived (deleted) by default.

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