I'm using OSCL and I'm trying to do an integration but I'm getting the message by the Browser: This content cannot be displayed in a frame, this integration is between two servers.
it happens when I integrate the tool with other third party application, using jts api thro iframes, and using the original screens of JTS that offers thro the OSLC services, but I think the only way to solve this is getting the list of the fields and properties and generate my own interface without use any html coming from JTS, I wont to waste time doing that but seems that I have not choice, the reason is because the web app and JTS are located on separate servers with different domains
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER(8.4k●1●2)Mar 03 '15, 6:50 a.m.
Unfortunately, it's not clear what you are trying to accomplish. If you want to provide more details about your OSLC integration, we can try to assist.
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Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 19 '15, 7:54 a.m.We would need some more information to determine the root cause. What is the content you want to put in the iFrame? Can you explain your integration?
Ara Masrof
JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 19 '15, 8:25 a.m.Are you working with mixed content? If so, what Browser/Version are you using?
Rafael Rodriguez Montes
Mar 02 '15, 4:14 p.m.it happens when I integrate the tool with other third party application, using jts api thro iframes, and using the original screens of JTS that offers thro the OSLC services, but I think the only way to solve this is getting the list of the fields and properties and generate my own interface without use any html coming from JTS, I wont to waste time doing that but seems that I have not choice, the reason is because the web app and JTS are located on separate servers with different domains