How to get all records from Reportable REST API?
I've this REST API : https://xyx:8085/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='Defect Management']/(id|summary|allExtensions[displayName='External ID']/(displayName|displayValue)) and it only returns limited number of recrods. However, I need all. What changes do I need to make to the mentioned url to get all the records.
2nd question: is it possbile to apply filter and get only the records where 'External ID' is NOT NULL?
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One answer
Only a limited number of basic XPath filters are implemented in the Reportable REST API. This is how you can apply further filters on the returned data - this code returns all team members with a specific role in a team area:
var getTeamMembersWithRole = function(team, role) {
if (!team || !role) { console.log('getTeamMembersWithRole: Error! team = ' + team + ', role = ' + role); return null; } var xhrArgs = { url : '/ccm/rpt/repository/foundation?fields=foundation/teamArea[itemId=' + team + ']/roleAssignments/(contributor/itemId|contributorRoles/name)', headers : { 'Accept' : 'application/xml' }, handleAs : 'xml' }; return jazzClient.xhrGet(xhrArgs).then( function(data) { var memberIds = data.evaluate( 'foundation/teamArea/roleAssignments[contributorRoles/name/text()="' + role + '"]/contributor/itemId', data, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var members = 0 || []; var id = memberIds.iterateNext(); while (id !== null) { members.push(id.textContent); id = memberIds.iterateNext(); } return members; }); }; |
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Davyd Norris any idea?
Probably need to know how many records it's returning before this question can be answered
100 records by default
Does appending size parameter (ex. size=5000) help?
actually, I'm looking for all records.
all I could undestand from there, that change the max feed setting entries in Advanced properties. But then how do we determine what the max feed limit should be?