DOORS NG - RM - How to default artifact template in by folder type when user creates a new artifact
We are currently working to implement DNG 6.0.4 ifix013
We would like based on folder type, when the user selects "new artifact" - to default the artifact predefined for that folder. Is there a way that we could configure a true default based on folder. I have included screen shots.
Can I default in the VALUES HIGHLIGHTED BASED on the folder?
<RP 2019-06-20> ADD ON
would it be possible to force our preferred template in by editing this in the form page? changing it from "NONE" to i.e. 'USER STORY TEMPLATE"?
Accepted answer
I haven't found a way to default the Template, but once you select it, then next time you create that artifact type it will remember and default to that value. Unfortunately that's on an individual basis.
Thank you Carol. I am aware of this behavior but really was hoping for a configurable assignment so that our DNG users could focus strictly on our deliverables and not worry that the template was applied to our artifact.
I have submitted an enhancement request. Again thank you for your assistance.
2 other answers
Thank you Carol.
We do have the folders numbered in the order that they would typically be used and followed by the artifact type. I.E. 01-User Stories. Templates have been created for each and as you have described, the artifacts are offered in Alphabetic Order. The check box "Make this artifact type a preferred artifact type was not checked" - but when I did check it and saved the change, it did not make any difference to what we originally had. I did take the steps to clear the local cache and logged out and back in - just in case any or all of these steps were required for the change to take affect.
When we select the desired artifact, the template is offered as none, so we still need to manually select the template. Is there a way to remove the "none" option so that only the template is offered? I can/will create another entry for this question if preferred.
thank you for responding. very much appreciated.
Carol Watson
Jun 19 '19, 1:44 p.m.Hi Ricci,