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Change Data Type of Existing Artefact Attribute

Daniel Gilio (102124) | asked Aug 12 '14, 2:16 p.m.

My customer has created an Artifact Attribute called Priority as a Data Type of String. They now wish to change the data type from String to a Custom Attribute Data Type (Priority) that will enforce Must, Should, Could, Won't.

Is there a way to change the existing Artifact attribute from String to point to the new custom Data Type? If not, what does IBM recommend?

Accepted answer

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Aug 12 '14, 2:48 p.m.
Hi Dan,

As I'm sure you've seen, the system does not allow you to change the data type of an attribute.  I know of no way to convert an attribute to a new data type while retaining existing values.  CSV does not support round trip updates.  ReqIF does, but it will create types that do not exist rather than merging in to existing (which is by design).  I imagine this could only be achieved by:
  • Adding the new Priority list attribute (you can have duplicates) and associating it with your type(s)
  • Using the OSLC API to copy the values from the String type to the List type
  • Disassociating the original "Priority" attribute from the type once all values are copied
Hope it helps,
Daniel Gilio selected this answer as the correct answer

Vaibhav S commented Apr 05 '17, 1:41 a.m. | edited Apr 05 '17, 1:41 a.m.


Is it possible to create a new Attribute through OSLC . Any jars available for it.

Please let me know.


3 other answers

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masoom Abdullah (53119) | answered Apr 04 '17, 5:22 a.m.

Hi Daniel,

Were you able to achieve this requirement.

If yes, please let me who did you create the custom priority data type.

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Gilio commented Apr 04 '17, 10:23 a.m.


We were not able to convert the attribute and had to recreate and globally change the data,

Sorry I don't have better news...

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Vaibhav S (106354) | answered Apr 05 '17, 1:10 a.m.

Hi Daniel, Is it possible to create a new Attribute through OSLC . Any jars available for it.

Please let me know.


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masoom Abdullah (53119) | answered Apr 05 '17, 1:31 a.m.


Is it possible to change the values of an enumeration datatype attribute of an artifact in RM using OSLC?

If yes, please let me know the helpful APIs.

Thanks in advance.

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