RPE retrieving Rhapsody schema - app server requests credentials
We have recently started working with RPE and Rhapsody. Whenever I request a Rhapsody schema, I am not presented with an authentication window, whereas the others (on their own laptops) are.
How can security settings be accessed/changed in the RhapsodyAppServer?
2 answers
Normally you need not specify username/password for Rhapsody. You need to specify username/password only if it is in a secured server.
I would agree. However, that does not appear to be the issue. The laptops with the issue are all trying to access the unsecured http://localhost:27463/Rational/Rhapsody and not https://localhost...
Looking into the issue further, this is the error message we're receiving:
"Can't query interface object for IRPApplication"
OK. This one was answered by the Rhapsody support folks. The issue was that Rhapsody's COM interface was not registered.
In a CMD window (as Administrator- this is vital)
cd to the Rhapsody install directory
execute the following command:
rhapsody.exe /RegServer
This registers the COM interface.
Thanks to the Rhapsody folks and others for helping us with this issue.