RPE : How to retrieve DNG artifacts linked to an execution step?
One answer
I have run a similar, but more complex report that will list all test cases for a test plan. Under each test case, it lists the test script info plus script steps. For each script step that has a requirement linked, it will output the result. Since we have multiple builds and environments, it will output only the last execution for that test plan and will do so for each environment tested. Obviously more complex than you need, but it works. What is not working with your template?
Hello Janet,
in fact I think I want to do exactly the same report than the yourth. The problem is that no requirement is displayed at step result even if there are of course some requirements linked.
No error BUT the field is empty....
I am only outputting the execution result information for the step, not the requirement. Our test scripts list the requirement in the test script step. Are you getting any of the execution result information and just missing requirement information or are you getting no information at all for the execution results?
I get all information about the step result, excepted Requirements
Since I am not outputting the requirement information from the step result, I had to modify my report to experiment with it. I was able to output the href for the requirement using feed/entry/content/executionresult/stepResults/stepResult/requirement/href. See if you can at least output that href from your execution result. If so, then I would recommend creating another Data Source Configuration using a DNG Text schema type. Then pass that requirement URI as the URI in the Dynamic Configuration of that Data Source Configuration. Then you should be able to pull any information you want from that requirement.