RPE: How to receive debug output?
One answer
If you are lookign for the output document, that will be available only when the document generation completes.
When RPE debugger reaches an element with breakpoint, the debugger stops. You can inspect the element and the data context in RPE Debug view. The element context gives the element ID, element type, current recursion level and if the condition on the element passed or not. The data context is made of the template variables and the data elements visible at that location.
You can add additional debug statements that will shown in RPE colsole or rpe.log.
In RPE template, you can insert a "JavaScript Code" element. Double click and in the Script expression tab, select the _sessionLogger variable and enter the script. You can generate log entries with one of the following methods:
ex: _sessionLogger.warn("This will be shown in the rpe.log file");