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Upgrading DB2 in HADR environment

Kunal N (872862) | asked May 12 '19, 10:37 a.m.
edited May 12 '19, 7:38 p.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)

 Hi All,

We are planning for upgrading DB2 databases from 10.5 fixpack 8 to 11.1. Currently we have setup as below ;

Two servers one hosting the primary(PROD Server) databases and other server(Stagging) hosting standby databases. We have went through few articles for uprading DB2 databases in HADR environment however most of the articles suggests us upgrading primary databases first and then upgrading the standby databases. However in our case as we do not have test environment we do all  our testing in Stagging server so here we are planning to upgrade DB2 instance in Stagging server first and if everthing goes fine we will move to upgrade in PROD server. Below are queries :

Can we stop Repliction(HADR) and upgrade Stagging server DB and then upgrade PROD server DB2.


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Anthony Corrente (914) | answered May 12 '19, 9:48 p.m.
Hi Kunal,

You indicate that "Two servers one hosting the primary(PROD Server) databases and other server(Stagging) hosting standby databases."

In a typical HADR environment, the Primary and Standby pair (together) would be considered a single entity.
So, if you had HADR setup for Production, then you should have a Primary (PROD), and Standby (PROD).

Similarly, if you want to enable HADR for a staging environment, you would have Primary (STAGING), and Standby (STAGING)

Have you engaged the Db2 team to discuss your upgrade steps for HADR?  I would recommend you doing that.


Kunal N selected this answer as the correct answer

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