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SCM CLI - List workspace properties - List flowtarget

I recently upgraded SCM Tools on my 32-bit Linux box to v4.0.3 hoping to use new CLI functionalities (like "scm workspace propertylist", "scm workspace flowtarget" etc) which were unavailable in v4.0 which I was using previously. However, after the upgrade when I ran these "scm workspace" commands, the output was minimal or not what I'd expected.
For instance,
# scm workspace propertylist -r local myTestWorkspace
(1262) "myTestWorkspace"
Repository: https://alm-linux:9443/ccm/
Ownedby: (1263) "pmn"
Visibility: Private
The details mentioned above are much less than what I'm able to get from the Eclipse GUI client (for the same version of RTC) - which, for the given workspace, also lists its components, the current baseline per component and flow-target, if any, among others.
# scm workspace flowtarget -r local myTestWorkspace
Argument syntax error:
Missing arguments to subcommand "workspace flowtarget" - target-workspace. Try 'scm help workspace flowtarget' for more information.
Which made me wonder if I misunderstood the intent of this command. That is, if a user did not know anything about the workspace "myTestWorkspace" above, is there an scm command he could use to list its current/default flow-target, if any?
Accepted answer

The workspace operations is split into multiple commands.
scm workspace propertylist {workspace}: lists the properties/attributes of the workspace.
scm list components {workspace}: lists the components of a workspace
scm list flowtargets {workspace} : lists all the flowtargets (including default and current)
scm workspace flowtarget: allows you to set the default and current flowtarget as well scope the components of the flowtarget.