In a shared JTS with two CCM(CCM1 and CCM2) applications, can project area list attribute see the project across CCM1 and CCM2?

v5.0.1 RTC used.
In shared JTS with two CCM applications(CCM1 and CCM2). If adding a custom attribute-Project Area list type
in ccm1, it only sees the project list in ccm1 not including ccm2's project area. I am wondering if this is expected or there is any way to have that project area list attribute to see all project areas from ccm1 and ccm2?
Thank you very much.
In shared JTS with two CCM applications(CCM1 and CCM2). If adding a custom attribute-Project Area list type
in ccm1, it only sees the project list in ccm1 not including ccm2's project area. I am wondering if this is expected or there is any way to have that project area list attribute to see all project areas from ccm1 and ccm2?
Thank you very much.
Accepted answer

I am pretty sure that the CCM application will always see only the objects in the project area or in project areas on the CCM it lives in. The only things that work across applications are CLM links like tracks and the like. Even work item links don't work.
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