Test scrip generation

One answer

RQM has exposed various capabilities for test artifact creation, management, and execution API as per OSLC Specification ( consider referring to https://rawgit.com/oasis-tcs/oslc-domains/master/auto/automation-spec.html and https://rawgit.com/oasis-tcs/oslc-domains/master/qm/quality-management-spec.html).
I would suggest to go through https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMTestAutomationAdapterAPI to know more how RQM provides supports for external tool to manage test artifacts.
In addition to this - please refer to https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmOslcQmV2Api for additional information on these APIs.
And you could refer to https://sleroyblog.wordpress.com/2013/04/09/querying-rqm-40-through-oslc-and-rest-api for small examples on how you could try generating and managing test artifacts quickly.
https://www.eclipse.org/lyo could be used to build resources to connect to OSLC compliant application. See https://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/BuildClient#RQMFormSample for more information in context of RQM and other jazz.net based application.