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getting custom attribute and category values in the same table with RPE

Marie-Emilie Bion (3510) | asked Sep 17 '21, 3:49 a.m.
I would like my word export to show in the same table (columns) : one specific custom attribute and one custom enumerated category.
I have defined the configuration data source at the Test Case level, and from it, I can access to one or another, but to the two in the same table.
Moreover, whatever the condition on the terme of the category, I can not succeed in getting one cell with the specific custom category value(s) :
1/ each categoy is creating a cell (with a condition such as "@term=="myCatagory", I get  "my Category" values, the other cells are empty) : How to eliminate these empty cells ?
bad result : 

Test Case

Custom attribute value

myCategory values




Title of the test case 1



Value 1


Value 2




2/ the multiple values of "myCategory" create as many cells as enumerations : is it possible to get all the multiple values in the same cell (JS code ?) ?

3/ how to get categories values and custom attributes in a single table

Wished result :

Test Case

Custom attribute value

myCategory values

Title of the test case 1


Value 1

Value 2

Title of the test case 2


Value 2

Value 4

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