Linking existing requirement to test case not working

I am using Mso2RQM_Common Version and using following line to link my test case to requirement , where column C in excel sheet contains ID from RM tool. When i authenticate and start export the utility still pops up with the UI to Requirement Links manually. I am able to search and select the artifact using the same ID as listed in Column C. My question is why the Exporter is unable to link automatically and asks me to link the requirements manually.
I have checked the Link to existing RM requirement checkbox and Use RQM provided Configuration UI is unchecked.
4 answers

Hi Madhav, : Even without the checkbox 'Link to existing RM requirement' it did not link as expected. What else could i be doing incorrect here? No error was logged what else would to need to identify the issue? : When i perform the import into RQM. I see the following error on QM server.
2021-08-10 12:54:08,847 [WebContainer : 2 @@ 12:54 mmathkar /qm/secure/service/] WARN - AbstractGetHandler:getLinksFromLinkIndex AQXIN2517W Links cannot be returned because the request does not contain a global configuration context. <o:p> </o:p>
Moreover, when i select Requirement Links on my test case (after import is complete) and try to manually link the same ID to test case i am allowed to do so. I think it is allowed since i am in the context of global configuration when performing operation manually. Any thoughts?