RTC 605 Installation of LQE in separate server
I notice that LQE uses a lot of resources, so I will install it in a separate server, but Once is installed, how should I proceed in terms that I wanted to be recognized on the original server, should I run the wizard on the new lqe server or should I run the wizard on the main server where my other apps are like rm, ccm, and qm?
One answer
Are you running an HTTP server in front of your app servers? If not, I would highly recommend it. If you're using an HTTP proxy, then all your servers will be accessed via the same host name, just different context roots. This ensures you don't have to reauthenticate each time you visit a different URL.
You will need to deregister the LQE on the JTS server, then run through JTS/setup and on the application registration screen, you'll link to the new LQE server.