HP Quick Test Professional Adapter Installation Instructions for Linux
2 answers
The purpose of HP QTP adapter for RQM is to tests requests from RQM, and pass them on to HP QTP to actually perform the execution, and respond the result of execution back to RQM. Tests are actually RUN on machine where HP QTP is installed. For achieving this, normally adapter is run on the same machine where actual tool ( HP QTP/UFT in this case) would be running.
Now as per this links - https://www.learnqtp.com/what-is-qtp/. HP QTP is not supported on linux, so adapter bits are also not available for linux.
Steps to install the adapter on windows are available at - https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.rqm.adapter.uft.help/html/topics/QTPInstall.html&scope=null