How to install Jazz Team Server & RQM 4.0.4 on solaris sparc server ?

I downloaded the version 4.0.4 of Jazz Team Server and Rational Quality Manager.
I downloaded the version 1.6.3 of IBM Installation Manager.
Through IBM Installation Manager I see the list of the packages to install. When I select "Jazz Team Server" the following error is displayed :
Package Jazz Team Server cannot be installed on the current platform (operating system: solaris, architecture: sparc).
I don't understand this error because the version I downloaded should work with all platforms.
Can someone help me on this problem ?
I downloaded the version 4.0.4 of Jazz Team Server and Rational Quality Manager.
I downloaded the version 1.6.3 of IBM Installation Manager.
Through IBM Installation Manager I see the list of the packages to install. When I select "Jazz Team Server" the following error is displayed :
Package Jazz Team Server cannot be installed on the current platform (operating system: solaris, architecture: sparc).
I don't understand this error because the version I downloaded should work with all platforms.
Can someone help me on this problem ?
2 answers

Based on the architecture the error displayed, you are not using a SPARC 64 bit machine. The Jazz Team Server is only supported on 64 bit architectures for Solaris. See the CLM System Requirements ( document for the list of supported platforms.

Thank you Mark for your answer.
When you say "SPARC 64 bit machine" I guess you speak about java virtual machine ?

The Installation Manager uses the OSGI platform filter for checking the architecture of the machine it is running on. Based on that, I think it's actually the architecture of the machine itself since Installation Manager provides its own JRE.