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iS RTC 6.0.6 can be integrated with RQM 6.0.2 ??

Sidda Naik (114) | asked Mar 29 '19, 6:18 a.m.
edited Mar 29 '19, 6:22 a.m.
iam using RTC6.0.2 which is integrated with RQM 6.0.2 ,
now I've upgraded my RTC  to RTC 6.0.6.
Now is it possible to integrate RTC 6.0.6 with RQM 6.0.2.

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abhishek gour (3812) | answered Apr 01 '19, 6:00 a.m.

You would need to elaborate more on what type of integration this question is about. 

1. OSLC based integration - There is no version matching checked. So as long as both the app are OSLC compliant, any versions should be compatible. 
2. RQM automated tests files are hosted on RTC - for this RTC ( with version N) supports up to N-1 version of Client (RQM). Since I your case both are for major version 6.x.x.x so it should be supported as well. 


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