RPE data source configuration for RQM test execution results
I'm using RPE 2.1.2 and want to export tests execution results from RQM.
I'm trying to figure out how to add data source for execution results,
what is the schema for the predefined feed ? or how can I find/add a schema for a specific artifact?
in any article about data source configuration I only see either RQM feed and the schema that ends with 'feed.xsd' or RQM QM that ends with the 'qm.xsd' in the schema section.
any information and guidance would be helpful.
4 answers
You can either use RQM feed schema or qm schema. You can use feed schema to report from a collection (ex. testcases, testplans). To report on individual resource (ex. testcase or testplan details), you can use qm schema. The same schema will work for all resource types (testcase, testscript, executionresult, etc.)
Please refer https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS6RHZ_1.2.1/com.ibm.rational.pe.integration.doc/topics/t_rqm_templates.html
OK, So let's say I have one test plan and with multiple test cases and each test case has test script.
I want to export execution results (including steps).
how many data sources do I need to create? since I've seen in many places that for each resource people create a data source..
I'm struggling here to get to the bottom of that..
I used the import from web resource feature in version 2.1.2 and was able to create a template that generates data from my test plan and test cases including the steps data (expected results) , now I want to add to that the actual results.
please advise.