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How to prevent from the user closing WI that has no 'change set'?

Bareket Matmon (17113) | asked Feb 06 '19, 9:27 a.m.


Is there an option to prevent the user from closing a work item unless it have 'Change Set' exists? 


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Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Feb 06 '19, 9:52 a.m.

yes, albeit not out of the box. This requires an Advisor / Precondition to be written and deployed on the server. If you want to undertake this yourself ample examples exist such as or RTC Extension Workshop
There are several consultants who can quickly implement this at high quality, too. If you are using a process management tool chances are there is a process enactment which allows easy automation of such checks, too.

If this is helpful please mark this answer as accepted.

- Arne

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