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RRDI, How can I get values inside each Section of each Test Case

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130255) | asked Jul 16 '13, 3:26 p.m.


I would like to get the information inside each Test Case, like Description and dislplay in a query for each test case but I can't see a field that contains this information?

Thank you.

Accepted answer

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Jun Wang (6077) | answered Jul 17 '13, 5:25 a.m.
The description of test case are not loaded by our default ETL, so you can not see description of test case from DW FM on RRDI. The description would be very long and cause performance issue if loading via ETL. In DW reports, we prefer to add a hyperlink of test case as the URL of test case item shown in reports, so user could click the hyperlink of test case to navigate to RQM web UI to show the test case information.

You can consider to use RQM live xdc and FM to show description of test case, or documentation product (e.g RPE)
Rafael Rodriguez Montes selected this answer as the correct answer

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