Setting up squid as reverse proxy server for RTC
Accepted answer
In the page I mentioned it does talk about the kind of server to use. The information is spread all over the document but it does mention "Squid performs best on 64-bit Linux, and enterprises should expect to invest in an enterprise class 64-bit server, and to install a 64-bit Linux distribution for maximum performance. Having many disk drives, configured in a RAID-0 configuration (hardware or software RAID) would be ideal for performance."
The section on "Tuning Squid" talks about the amount of memory you require and how disk drives and CPU can become bottlenecks. It provides advice about to measure and identify the bottleneck.
To be more specific about the CPU, memory etc. requires more details about the number of users and how frequently they are using SCM. Assuming this is an enterprise deployment I would recommend staying with the same Linux versions that CLM supports 64 bit versions of SLES 11 or RHEL 7 and you want to privilege memory over CPU power, consider 4GB minimum. However you will need to test in the customer's environment to see where the bottlenecks are and then tweak the configuration to get the best performance.
Bien cordialement,
The section on "Tuning Squid" talks about the amount of memory you require and how disk drives and CPU can become bottlenecks. It provides advice about to measure and identify the bottleneck.
To be more specific about the CPU, memory etc. requires more details about the number of users and how frequently they are using SCM. Assuming this is an enterprise deployment I would recommend staying with the same Linux versions that CLM supports 64 bit versions of SLES 11 or RHEL 7 and you want to privilege memory over CPU power, consider 4GB minimum. However you will need to test in the customer's environment to see where the bottlenecks are and then tweak the configuration to get the best performance.
Bien cordialement,
3 other answers
I read to quickly the document. I was expecting a specific chapter for this.
Please be aware that the newer squid versions seem to have/require slightly different compiler and other settings, dependent on the version f Linus as well. You might have to adjust the settings. I just recently experimented with the document and I ran into several hickups, where I had to modify the parameters to even be able to compile the code.