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How to show RTC wiki syntax in description header ?

Katrin Heymann (19824563) | asked Jun 02 '14, 7:39 a.m.
In version 4.0.3 when I defined a description field - type "Wiki" I can select on the right side "?" with an example of the wiki syntax.

In a higher version I can't see it and want to know how to activate it ?

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Jun 02 '14, 7:28 p.m.
I haven't tested in RTC 4.0.3 but I got the same issue with RTC 4.0.6.

If the wiki type attribute is not the only presentation of a section, the syntax help function is an enhancement contained in

If the wiki attribute is the section header and the syntax help exists in v4.0.3, I think this is a defect. However I couldn't find any existing defect for the issue. You may submit a new defect in Team Concert


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