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Require Link before continuing the workflow

Hi there,
The question is quite simple: Is there a possibility to require a link to a workitem befor progressing to the next workflow state?
Unfortunately, i couldn't find any precondition for that.
Detailed explanation: I have a workitem of type "task" and the "default workflow" associated with it. My requirement would be, that if i progress the workflow of this task from "new" to "in progress", RTC requires a link to another workitem.
For the advanced helpers in this forum :-) :
Highly appreciated would be, if i can require special link types ("blocked/blocked by", ...) or workitem types ("Defect", ...).
Kind regards
One answer

You will have to create your own custom advisor to do that. A good starting point would be
https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/the-rtc-workitem-server-link-api-linking-to-work-items-and-other-elements/ for the link API.
The API to get the links of a type from the new work item state (after the save) is
List<IReference> references = saveParameter.getNewD_WORK_ITEMS);
where the work item end point is replaced by the desired one. savePArameter is ISaveParameter see the advisor example.
All posts link to getting started and setting up the dev environmReferences()