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RTC user access management

GURVINDER SOKHI (731941) | asked Nov 10 '17, 8:57 a.m.

my client proposes to have a custom RTC role called "RTC_AccessAdmin" with specific RTC permissions used exclusively by projects to add/remove and change roles at RTC Project or Team Area level. That works well but there is one issue, let me explain.

In total there are around 5 different RTC custom role defined .i.e RTC_AccessAdmin, Stakeholder, Developer, Project_Admin and ReleaseManager.  the custom Project_Admin role is designed to be role with greater powers which we don’t want someone  with RTC_AccessAdmin role to assign another user.  

In simple terms, A user with RTC_AccessAdmin role should not be allowed to assign another user with Project_Admin role.

I cant see out of box way to specify above pre-condition restriction. Is it possible to implement custom pre-condition via a process template change ? or will this require a custom plug-in deployed on the server side  ?

Any suggestions and tips appreciated.


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 12 '17, 5:58 a.m.

 This will require a custom plug-in deployed on the server.

GURVINDER SOKHI commented Nov 21 '17, 1:06 p.m.

Hi Geoffery, would appreciate some guidance on developing custom plug-in deployed on server side. Are you able to share details on steps required to create custom plugin for this user case?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Nov 21 '17, 1:30 p.m.

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