How to Publish Rhapsody models to Design Manager
What is the difference between Rhapsody Design Manager & Rhapsody Model Manager.
What is the difference between Architecture Management (am) & Design Manager (dm) applications.
What components are required to publish Rhapsody models to am or dm application. I wanted to further create traceability links with Requirements in DNG.
Will Rational DM Import Engine help my purpose.
Also please share the installation & configuration procedure.
My Rhapsody installation 8.3.1 does not have 'Tools --> Design manager' option. All Options of DM Tool bar in Rhapsody client is greyed out.
6 answers
Hi Chidambram
What a lot of questions, i will do my best to answer the ones that i can
Regarding the difference between Rhapsody Model Manager and Design Manager,
But in summary Rhapsody Model Manager is the replacement for Design Manager and it is recommended that for new projects users should use Model Manager.
But in summary Rhapsody Model Manager is the replacement for Design Manager and it is recommended that for new projects users should use Model Manager.
Please see this link
And this link which describes what is new in Rhapsody 6.0.6 and 8.3.1
Both Design Manager and Model Manager allow you to link requirements to model elements. As mentioned above is this is a new project it is recommended that you use Rhapsody Model Manager.
For details of configuring and using Rhapsody Model Manager see the following tutorial
The Rational DM Import engine is used to import Rhapsody models onto the Design Manager server when used in Externally Manager Mode.
WRT to you question please share installation and configuration procedure see installation instructions for Model Manager above.
WRT to you comment
My Rhapsody installation 8.3.1 does not have 'Tools --> Design manager' option. All Options of DM Tool bar in Rhapsody client is greyed out.
It sounds like you have not installed the RDM Rhapsody Client.
However please consider moving to Model Manager it provides a similar set of capabilities to Design Manager but has much better performance and scaleability charactersitics and will be the better option in the long term.
Best regards Graham Bleakley
Thank you very much for the detailed reply.
I am moving to Rhapsody Model Manager. I could get the "Enable Rhapsody Model Manager" option in the content menu of the Model in Rhapsody 8.3.1 by using -rhp_rmm flag when invoking Rhapsody app.
On selecting this option, error message is:
" Rational Team Concert Client is not running or Rational Rhapsody plug-ins for integration with Rational Team Concert are not installed. Start Rational Team Concert Client with Rational Rhapsody plug-ins for integration with Rational Team Concert installed."
RTC Client is also running in parallel.
I am using Eclipse 4.4.2 32-bit client (as I have only 32-bit version of Rhapsody client). RTC 6.0.6 PlugIn installed in Eclipse client using P2 install. Rhapsody PlugIn is installed in Eclipse client from "<<Rhapsody Installation>>/RTCIntegration/32bit/" & "<<Rhapsody Installation>>/Eclipse/" folders.
Following properties are also set for the model:
- Set the property ConfigurationManagement::General::CMTool to RationalTeamConcert .
- Verify that the property ConfigurationManagement::RationalTeamConcert::ShowCMStatus is set to True .
Where is the model that you are trying to enable for RMM ?
Have you created a local Sandbox - and connected that to the RMM repository ? The model must be in an RTC sandbox connected to an RMM project to be able to be enabled - you cannot simply take any model and enable it. btw you can use a 64 bit version of RTC if you want - just make sure that the RMM plugin version you install matches that of RTC (that is install the 64 bit plugin if you are using 64 bit RTC) - it does not have to match Rhapsody.
You can access a free course on RMM here :
Although you may want to wait for version 2 which is about to be published as it will have audio 0 the above only has the slides
just to add to Andy's good response above, try
copying the Rhapsody SCM plug-in from the “RTCIntegration/32bit/” directory in the Rhapsody installation into the RTC Dropins directory.
The new Rhapsody Model Manager class is now available - it's free and you can get badged !