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Rational Quality Manager prepopulating test case name field with [object Performance]

Paul Sandie (38913) | asked Jan 11 '19, 6:34 a.m.

Recently, with Rational Quality Manager 4.0.6 which we've been using for years, I'm seeing the Name field on the Add Test Cases dialog (i.e. as shown via "Show Inline Filters") prepopulated with the text [object Performance]. This is on attempting to add a Test Case to a Test Suite.

Additionally this dialog hangs with "Loading..." unless "Show Inline Filters" is done and the "Run" button then clicked. 
Has anyone else seen this, or know what the cause might be ?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jan 13 '19, 10:59 p.m.

Hi, Paul

It is likely you are hitting this known defect:

This was fixed in v5.0.2

You may want to check if there is any query saved with
Name field as [object Performance] and that query
may be called when you operated. Remove the value [object
Performance] from the Name field and see if that helps.

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