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"A web service POST/PUT event has triggered this state of the resource. Not all details can be determined." in RQM when excel importer is used

Xuyi Wu (154) | asked Jun 06 '17, 5:11 a.m.

Hello everyone,

i am facing a problem when i generate a test plan including test suite and test cases via excel importer. In RQM the history of the test plan writes a message "A web service POST/PUT event has triggered this state of the resource. Not all details can be determined." Is it an error or a warning? If yes, how can solve it.

Later I tried to connect this test plan to the ECU-Test Tool. In the ECU-Test Tool I can see the test plan and test suite, but the test cases are not available.

Thanks in advance.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 06 '17, 6:05 a.m.

Hi, Xuyi

This is not a warning just a normal entry when using ExcelImporter or REST API to create the artifacts.
I am not sure what is ECU-Test Tool. After you exported test plan, test suite and test cases with RQMExcelImporter, do you see them created properly in RQM or not. If yes, it means the problem you can not see the test case in ECU-Test Tool should be a different issue.

Xuyi Wu selected this answer as the correct answer

Xuyi Wu commented Jun 06 '17, 6:44 a.m.

Thanks a lot. I can see the test case generated via excel importer in RQM. So it should be another issue.

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