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Error in CCM

Augusto López Castaño (111) | asked Jul 11 '17, 11:30 a.m.

 Hi, we have a problem whith this particular service

CRJAZ1972E El servicio "" no se ha podido activar porque un servicio del que depende, "", no se ha podido activar.

it seems like I must start, Does anyone knows how can I ?


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 12 '17, 1:43 a.m.

There is no such way to only start a specific service usually the cause is on somewhere else.
As per the error code explanation, you need to check with jts.log to find out more clues for such issues.

Message CRJAZ1972E The "{0}" service failed to activate because a service that it depends on, "{1}", failed to be activated.
Explanation The service failed to activate either because of problems in the database or the server, or because a service that the service requires also failed to be activated.
User action Contact an administrator to check the Jazz Team Server server logs to find out why the required service was not activated.

In some cases, restarting the server could help if you want to have a quick workaround. Otherwise, jts.log is a place to start for further investigation.

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