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Why TSER is removed when I assign a test plan to a TCER?

Jörg Werner (3033881) | asked Apr 18 '17, 10:46 a.m.
edited Apr 18 '17, 10:48 a.m.

RQM 6.0.3 iFix 001


I've some TCER and I want assign a test plan. This works quite fine, but in the same step RQM automatically remove the assigned TSER?

Thanks, Jörg

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Somashakar Kannan (962) | answered Apr 28 '17, 3:28 a.m.

Hi Jörg,

Test plan for TCER cannot be changed, since they would have execution results associated with them.  Ideally, there should be a warning message saying that " Some of the selected Test Case Execution Records have an Execution Result attached to them.  The Test Plan for such Test Case Execution Records cannot be changed."  This behavior is seen in 6.0.4.


Jörg Werner commented May 02 '17, 1:55 a.m.

Hi Somashakar,

thanks and in general you are right.
But in the example above no test results are assigned (see column Last Result)

 cheers, jörg

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