[closed] RQM: Unconfigured process not listed under Process template
Hi Guys,
I tried to create a new project area under QM and wanted to select Unconfigured process from the Process template and later have to Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area. But I can see only 4 templates under Process including the one which imported, and couldn't able to see Unconfigured process there.
Could you please let me know why I am not able to see the Unconfigured process under Process template.
I can see below three template.
Quality Management Default Process
Quality Management for SAFe 4.0
Quality Management Legacy Process
Thank you,
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by paules Dec 05 '18, 10:15 a.m.
Don Yang
Dec 04 '18, 1:02 a.m.Do you mean under qm/admin, Templates menu, you only see that three but no Unconfigured template? if that's case, maybe something related to deploy default templates and you can try to deploy predefined templates on qm/admin > Templates