Can we copy an rqm repository to another server thats preserves its OSLC links to a Doors 9.5 database?

I understand that we can copy a full rqm repository to another server (using server rename )
what if the source rqm 5.02 repository has oslc links to a Doors 9.5 database.
and we have a copy of that database running at our local platform through backup/restore
1. is there a way to get those rqm links to link with our copied doors database?
2. and since we have migrated the doors database copy to DNG , how can we get the copy of rqm repository to trace to the the requirements in the migrated DNG requirements ?
One answer

While performing RQM server rename it will preserve the links for remote repositories but while having bi-directional linking model with DOORS 9.5 and RQM 502, DOORS database will still point to old RQM server and it requires you to update the URLs for the friend servers in the DOORS database properties with the new CLM server. I would suggest to contact IBM support for supported scenario and environment related help.