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Execution Status by Test Case Category using TCER Count (Live) Widget - Unable to open Table view

Rajesh Avanthi (10815143173) | asked Dec 07 '12, 5:05 a.m.

We are using RQM
I have deployed the Execution Status by Test Case Category using TCER Count (Live) Widget.
Bar chart is working fine and I am getting the correct results.
However, when I click on the heading to get to the detailed table view, the view seems to be broken.

It says Loading but never loads.

I see the following error in the UI
============== ERROR ==========================
Report descriptor not found for: execution.ExecByTCCategoryTER

Any advice please?

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Mark Victory (26635) | answered Dec 07 '12, 9:42 a.m.
Hi Rajesh,

For some reason, the "Execution Status by Test Case Category using TCER Count" report resource is not deployed to your project.
It is easy to deploy it.
Use the Reports->Browse Report Resources menu to open the Browse Report Resources View.
In the top right hand corner of the view is the "Deploy New Resources" button. (The button with the flashlight).
Click the button.
In the resulting dialog, select your project and click OK.
You will see a list of Report Resources that are not yet deployed to your project.
Check the entry in the list for "Execution Status by Test Case Category using TER Count".
Click the "Deploy Resources" button.
You will be all set.

I hope that helps,

Sunil Kumar R commented Dec 24 '12, 2:09 a.m. | edited Dec 24 '12, 2:11 a.m.

Hi Mark

Yes we have ensured that the Report Resources are in place.. Infact we are dealing with default reports which are already deployed.

Attached for your reference is a document with the details on the issue.. Any inputs on this will really help..


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