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Report Builder: Report Generation from DNG-QM and avoid duplicates from the Baseline version

Sunil Kumar (27111) | asked Nov 19 '18, 2:52 a.m.
edited Nov 19 '18, 2:53 a.m.

I tried to generate a report from DNG and QM using the Report Builder (LQE). We need data from the current stream in DNG only, we got to know that data is coming from different baseline versions as well (duplicate entry for same artifacts), Can anyone help me to resolve this issue (instead of taking data from Baseline and Stream, take it only from Stream).

Thank you in advance for your support.


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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered Nov 19 '18, 8:40 p.m.

Hi Sunil,
I believe by LQE you mean you must be using "Lqe using Configurations" as data source while generating reports for particular stream in DNG / RQM.

If you need the report just on DNG or QM artifacts but not linked to each other with any kind of relationship, you still need to use "Lqe using configurations" as data source.

1) Select the DNG/QM artifact as base artifact to generate report.
2) Select the particular stream on the Run Report Tab and run the reports.

If you are generating reports on DNG linked with QM artifacts, you need to have a GC. For this, make sure you have a GC and that particular stream of DNG and QM are added to the GC as contributors.
While generating report, use "Lqe using Configurations" as data source. Select GC component and generate a report.

Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar

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