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Requirement Matrix is very slow

Ramona P. Clodfelter (111) | asked Nov 16 '18, 4:48 a.m.
edited Nov 16 '18, 7:16 a.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)



At a client I have a request matrix of ~ 3000 requests and 400-500 model elements. It is practically impossible to create responsive links because each Rhapsody click takes 1 minute to actually do something. Can not move.  
Is this normal? Or what could be wrong here? 

Rhapsody 8.2.1-64bit


Thank you for help

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 16 '18, 5:27 a.m. | edited Nov 16 '18, 5:44 a.m.

 This is an English speaking forum. If I can't read your question as moderator, I have to assume it might be spam or ads and ban you and your question, unfortunately. 

Please write your questions in English. 

I translated the question, well, Google did , however, I don't think that is my job and won't do this every time.

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