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What are the requirements for a custom RQM execution adapter to utilize test resources stored in RTC SCM?

Justin Caselman (53) | asked Oct 29 '18, 1:14 p.m.

 This is a follow-up on a previous question

Given that it is possible, I would assume that it is just a matter of implementation for a custom execution adapter?

How does the RQM server communicate that an RTC SCM resource is to be used to the adapter?  My first thought is that it would be included in the task along with the rest of the execution configuration and variables.  Is this the case?  If not, how is it done? Is there documentation around this topic?

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abhishek gour (3812) | answered Oct 30 '18, 12:03 a.m.

Hi Justin,
The "Shared Resource Location" provides a reference points from which all of the required test scripts can be stored and could be used for your custom adapter's execution.

So your "Shared Resource Location" can be a folder where all of your functional scripts are stored in RTC SCM. From there when you specify your custom adapter's master script referencing to other variables and scripts they should be referenced from the location of "Shared Resource Location".

When any execution task is requested on Adapter, the execution details from test scripts are passed back to the adapter, adapter then make use of those relativePath, FullPath or AbsolutePath information and create a query to run the test case. This query also include resourceURN ( the URN where resources are stored ). For resource stored at RTC SCM - this could be "https://<server>:<port>/ccm|<workspace>|<component>|<rootLocation>".
This query ( queryString ) which contains information about resourceURN should point to a valid resource path. RQM now being the owner of Test Scripts ( because shared path is managed by RQM ) try to stream scripts along with execution requests to Adapter on adapter system.

In order to run test, adapter should try to obtain all the required scripts and associated resources local to the system where adapter is running.

In case of Script location provided on Shared Resource Location - the execution task contains a URL for the script resource. How RQM server communicates to RTC SCM is internal to RQM. The implementation of adapter should not be affected with this. Adapter just may use the RQM resource download service (via the Requester). The RQM server response contains the stream for the resource which may be downloaded and saved as a local file where adapter is running and then executed. So wherever the resource is kept ( RQM Server or RTC SCM ) adapter gets the resource from RQM server by GET calls to RQM server.

So in short, if you have provided your Shared Resource Location as RTC SCM, and scripts are properly stored on that resource location as it would be required for Adapter while execution, there is nothing special custom adapter need to do. Adapter should get all the required scripts by virtue of Requester's download capabilities and scripts would be available locally to adapter to run the tests. 

In order to know more - please check out the implementation of Command Line adapter which is currently running scripts stored as RTC SCM.

Let us know if you want to know more about how command line adapter for RQM functions.


Justin Caselman selected this answer as the correct answer

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