How to get WebUITheming wiki updated?
There is a slight, but significant typo in the WebUITheming wiki page that I would like to try to get corrected. "LoginFooter.html" should actually be "loginFooter.html" It appears twice incorrectly capitalized and was a source of my problem while implementing a custom login page message. I do not nsee any way to contact wiki authors, so trying the forum.
2 answers
Hi Benjamin,
Can we also look into the other issue I had regarding the information on the wiki about including images in custom HTML? See my previous post:
It appears the snippet on the wiki doesn't work correctly - the dojo.ready() callback fires *before* the custom HTML is loaded and so the referenced element hasn't been instantiated
Can we also look into the other issue I had regarding the information on the wiki about including images in custom HTML? See my previous post:
It appears the snippet on the wiki doesn't work correctly - the dojo.ready() callback fires *before* the custom HTML is loaded and so the referenced element hasn't been instantiated