Unlink Changeset(Not Complete) created by other user from Workitem
Accepted answer
That is working as designed (see https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSCP65_6.0.6/com.ibm.jazz.platform.doc/topics/ccm_role_permissions.html ).
One other answer
There are some things in SCM that are considered owned by a user and, hence, are not governed by process. One example of this is a workspace. Another example is a link between a change set and a work item. For these types of things, the owner is the only contributor that can make changes but there is an admin override that allows JazzAdmins to do that as well.
With the appropriate permission, you can unlink a completed change set from a work item, but (with that permission) you are not allowed to unlink a non-completed change set. So the strangeness here is why you can unlink a completed change set, but not a non-completed change set.
1 vote
any updates on this?
This appears to be the defined behavior, so although it would be interesting to know why it is defined to act this way, it would require an enhancement request to get this behavior changed.