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How can I upgrade a test database?

Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | asked Aug 29 '13, 3:35 a.m.
retagged Aug 29 '13, 4:55 p.m. by Amy Laird (16514)
I've a test database created with a launch configuration (called [SDK] Create RTC Test Database.launch) in order to debug the extensions on which I'm working on. It's in standalone mode so it contains both ccm and jts (or so I'm supposing).

Now my customer has upgraded his RTC infrastructure from version 3.0.1 to version 4.0.3. I'd like to maintain this debug database in order to not recreate the entities needed for some test (projects, build definitions and so on).

I've tried to set a file  pointing to this database and run the repotools -addTables for both CCM and JTS without any error but when I try to start it on debug mode I still have mismatch version errors.

Is there a way to upgrade this kind of database?


One answer

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John Carolan (71616) | answered Aug 29 '13, 5:17 a.m.
Hi Michele,

There in an interactive upgrade guide which you can use to help with this process:

You just need to select the version you're using, and your target upgrade version, and it will guide you through the steps.

I hope this helps,


Michele Pegoraro commented Aug 29 '13, 5:59 a.m. | edited Aug 29 '13, 12:43 p.m.

 Hi John,

thanks for the answer but this is not what I'm looking for. I'm not going to upgrade an RTC installation. I'd already done this procedure in my real environment and it works. What I'm trying to do is to upgrade the database created using SDK (as part of creation of development environment), which is a STANDALONE database and probably not so similar to standard ones (CCM/JTS). I was supposing that running repotools -addTables command would be sufficient but it seems that I was wrong.


John Carolan commented Aug 29 '13, 6:21 a.m.

Hi Michele,

Sorry, I misunderstood your requirements.  The only option I can think of might be to migrate the required data to a standard database using repotools -export/-import, however, you may already have tried that approach.

Hopefully some of the others in the forum have some experience to help you.



Tim Mok commented Aug 29 '13, 1:25 p.m.

The guide says to run the upgrade script, which will run the repotools plus some other things for the upgrade. Maybe that's what you're missing from updating your database and config files.

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