CLM and LPTA tokens
We have a CML 6.0.6 server with DNG and want to read the requirements from the OSLC API with a Java program. The user of the program should authenticate (user/pw) and then the program should be able to sign in using an LTPA token it received from the server. But in our case the program doesn't receive the LTPA token.
This has been working using the same Java program with a CLM 6.0.2 server so we are sure the reason for the issue is the configuration of our CLM 6.0.6 server (or the licenses we assigned to the user) but we don't have any idea why it doesn't work with our 6.0.6 server.
3 answers
The documents we found so far explain how to do it from the client side, assuming the server is already configured properly: In our case we think we didn't configure the server correctly. Is there any step-by-step instruction how to install and configure the server (and the RM project) to support SSO?
Let me explain a bit what we did. We have created a custom widget which is available in a user's Mini Dashboard. This widget triggers a call to a remote server doing some stuff in servlet using the the Eclipse Lyo OSLC framework. Once this has been done it returns a value or state to the widget. The call from the widget is done using method. If the server is configured in a way described in that link RMExtensionsAndWhitelists605 the SSO token is sent with the request and can be re-used by the servlet. Have a closer look to the wiki entry where it is described to be used with Node.js