DNG - Cross project links - CM versus no CM
It seems that cross project linking in DNG is quite easy and works out of the box as long as the 2 projects do NOT have Configuration Management enabled.
3 answers
^Thanks Adrian
You first need to create a GC project. In principle this is the same as creating an RM project. You then need to go browse/create components and create a component for that GC project. Now when you navigate into that GC project component you can add configurations (project component streams/baselines from RM, RQM, etc...
>>You first need to create a GC project. In principle this is the same as creating an RM project.
Thanks Adrian. What do I click on to create a GC project?
Normally for RM :-
...to create a lifecycle project I click on >Gear Icon>Manage Project Areas>Create Lifecycle Project
I would like to check for sure that it is broken before doing a reinstall
When I try to navigate to 'all projects' under GCM I get
{"nestedError":{"nestedError":{"nestedError":{"errorClass":"java.lang.ThreadDeath","errorMessage":null,"errorCode":null},"errorClass":"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError","errorMessage":"com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper (initialization failure)","errorCode":null},"errorClass":"com.ibm.websphere.servlet.error.ServletErrorReport","errorMessage":"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper (initialization failure)","errorCode":null},"errorClass":"java.lang.RuntimeException","errorMessage":"com.ibm.websphere.servlet.error.ServletErrorReport: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper (initialization failure)","errorCode":500}