DNG - Link by Attribute using custom attribute
I have got the Link by Attribute (LBA) function working OK but only with DNG Artifact ID.
DOORS Classic has similar LBA functionlity and where I used to find it very useful was when importing data for a customer adopting DOORS.
For example I would have 2 spreadsheets ReqsA and ReqsB.
Traceability would be defined in a column in the ReqsB containing multiple numbers each referencing a single value ID in a column in ReqsA
I would import the 2 spreadsheets which would create all the source objects and all the target objects and 2 attributes (LinkSourceAttr and LinkTargAttr) and then run LBA to create the links.
Is there any way to do this in DNG?
I thought a workaround might be to, after import, cycle through each value of LinkTargAttr and find its corresponding DNG ID and then swap all the occurrences of LinkTargAttr in the multivalue LinkSourceAttr string before running LBA but I don't even see how that can be done very easily.
Accepted answer
Import your ReqsA spreadsheet, then export it as a View, which will give you the DNG IDs.
Use VLOOKUP on your ReqsB spreadsheet, converting your original ReqsA indices into the new DNG IDs.
Import your ReqsB spreadsheet, then use Link By Attribute to create the links between A and B.
Be aware that LBA always seems to create links to the BASE Artefact, not the MODULE one that you might be hoping for!