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How to configure an attribute customized to be required in the DOORs next Generation?

Danusa Ribeiro (869) | asked Nov 19 '14, 9:52 a.m.
Hi guys,
I need a help with Rational DOORs Next Generation. I have two questions:

Question 1: How can I make an attribute customized be required on the moment at creation of the artifact?
Question 2: How can I show the attribute customized in the pop-up in te momento at creation of the artifact?

I followed some steps described below:

  1. I created a artifact types called Functional Requirement and I clicked on Add Attribute, in this case, called Priority.
  2. I clicked on Artifact menu and created a Functional Requirement artifac
In this picture, I'm simulating how I wanna the pop-up.


Keith Collyer commented Nov 24 '14, 9:17 a.m.

Three comments:

  1. It may be possible to do this to some extent with scripting. I'm not an expert so I couldn't say for sure or how it would be done, but there are already example scripts that check the consistency of attribute values and set them appropriately.
  2. In the past, we have found that customers who think they want this don't get the benefit that they think they will. When forced to enter a value, people will, but it may not be of any real meaning. It isn't always possible to set specific values at the time the artifact is created. Your example of priority is a good one. Often you need to enter the requirement, but may not know exactly what the requirement is. So you give it an arbitrary value (usually, knowing the way people work, give it the highest possible value). Indeed, the person entering the requirement may not be the right one to set the priority
  3. Probably best to just set a default value - and make it low

Accepted answer

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Nov 19 '14, 2:24 p.m.
Question 1: I assume you want the artifact attribute to be mandatory, ie it must have a value. Right now it's not possible to make an attribute mandatory, the best you can do is give it an initial value at creation, which is set at the artifact attributes tab in the manage project properties page.

Question 2: you cannot add attributes to the artifact creation pop-up, the window content is fixed.

I think there is an DNG request for enhancement out there for mandatory attributes, though I could not find right now. Will add the info here when I find it.
Rosa Naranjo selected this answer as the correct answer

Danusa Ribeiro commented Nov 19 '14, 2:39 p.m.

 Hi Bas Bekker,

I thought this is not possible :), but I need to prove it for client and your answer will help me so much!

Thank you for your help! 

Bas Bekker commented Nov 19 '14, 5:09 p.m.

This is the link to the enhancement request for mandatory attributes, if you want to track it or chime in.

One other answer

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M Kevin McHugh (1557) | answered Mar 28 '15, 4:53 p.m.
The actual need is a ClearQuest like structure where attributes have state based settings for Optional, Mandatory, and Read Only.  It would help if requirements types could have state definition and workflow similar to RTC and RQM.

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