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Exporting DNG Modules to Word - "waiting for report service...0%"

Shannon Struttmann (13311) | asked Aug 22 '18, 9:25 a.m.

I recently uploaded some new RPE templates to my DNG server. Our servers have always been touchy when exporting, so when it hung up at 46%, I wasn't surprised and tried a few more times with various modules/templates. But at some point, DNG now will no longer print any template (custom or out-of-box). I try to run a template and it sits at 0% with the text "Waiting for report service".

I can still run docs fine through RPE, but this isn't sustainable as I am the only license holder for RPE. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this so I can export documents again?

The custom templates have been removed but the out-of-box templates still won't run.

Håkan Kristiansson commented Aug 24 '18, 3:34 a.m.

It might be the report feed has got stuck (for one or the other reason). I don't know if you are familiar with a tool like HTTP requester. No special headers are required as long as you're logged in from the browser where you launch the REST client (whether it's HTTP requester, Chrome REST client, etc..). Just put in the URL and run the DELETE.  If you get a 200 back you should be good to make a new attempt generating. The URL to use is,substituting your server and port first:                      https://server:port/rm/publish/report/reportsFeed

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