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how to find out when was the last date a RQM artifact has been modified by the end users

madhu sudana (31118) | asked Aug 21 '18, 1:29 p.m.

We are planning to migrate the CLM version 5.0.2 to 6.0.x. As part of that, we are looking into the last date & time when an activity or artifact modified on RQM application. So that we can collect whether the Project Area in RQM was currently active or not.

Accepted answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 22 '18, 12:08 a.m.

There are several places I can think about.
1)QM admin page has History and you can check if there is any update there.
2) qm.log may have some indications on the activities.
3) if QM floating license is used and DW is configured, you can check
for the floating license usage report and see if there is any licensed being used recently.

madhu sudana selected this answer as the correct answer

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madhu sudana (31118) | answered Aug 23 '18, 1:52 a.m.
Hello Don,

Thanks for your information. In fact I knows, if we goes to QM Admin history page we get the latest update. However it is only shows admin history and not the end users who access the Project Area. Anyway I will check the QM logs. That could be giving more prices information.

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