RQM QTP/UFT Adapter - Are results by step populated in RQM?
I've found several articles on how to install and use the RQM QTP/UFT Adapter, and they all mention that they bring over the Pass/Fail status of the test to RQM. However, a few mention that if you open the Execution Result, you can see "more detail," without explaining. My client does not currently have an active instance of QTP/UFT to test the Adapter, but is asking if you can see the results of the test in QTP/UFT at the step level in RQM. Is this possible?
Thank you in advance!
One answer
Hi Torin,
Results of QTP/UFT Test Case can be seen in the “Result Details” section of Test Case Execution Record. QTPAdapterResult.html file available at “Result Details” section contains detail information about the steps performed by QTP/UFT Test Script. Please follow below steps:
1. Open RQM
2. Go to Execution menu option and browse Test Case Results
3. Click on Test Case Results Name which would be same as Test Case name
4. Now click on Result Details on left side pane
5. Open QTPAdapterResult.html from Result Details section